Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Since Gracie became ill, (see my previous post) I have spent most of my time taking care of her needs.  She is recovering slowly, since she already had a few other "old lady dog" issues to begin with.  I don't think she'll ever recover fully, which is the case with some dogs.  I had plans to go out of town this coming weekend, but it looks like I'll remain here with my old gal while my husband takes off without me.  Sometimes life throws you lemons, no? 

Some humans just don't get it, but my pets are part of our family.  We adopted them with every intent of giving them the best life we possibly could and sometimes that means sacrifice.  I was accused once of not understanding or being capable of unconditional love because I didn't have human children.  But I would disagree, as I'd do anything for the furry children I do have.  (and yes, there are some humans who rank right up there as well.)  Taking care of an elderly pet isn't cheap, nor is it always convenient or easy.  But I wouldn't do anything differently at all.  I'm lucky I have the means to be able to take care of the furkids I do have.  

On another note, I have totally ignored my art the past few weeks.  With all the things going on in Casa Castillo, I just haven't fit it in.  An hour here or there, sporadically, but that's about it.  Classes will begin soon, I have a few commissions underway and I have a show in September, so the studio is calling me.  I did finally complete two commissions and delivered them last month.  

Gabby continues to improve with her behavior and we'll be starting puppy school in September. Yep, she's 4 years old and she did graduate from puppy school as a puppy (!) but we're basically reconditioning her, so here we go again.  I think it'll be a great thing.  

These are just quick updates for those following the last few posts.  I promise, more pics, less "stuff" in the future.  It's just been one of those summers. 

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