Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Working on it

I'm getting there.
I ordered a "work station" to help organize my supplies and minimize the clutter in my workspace.
I ordered a big new easel (Merry Christmas to me!) to keep two paintings going at once and to accommodate larger pieces.

My new COO to Go arrives in the morning to help me get my act together and learn my business.  The goal is to eventually have her handle the time-consuming, necessary desk work and minutiae that overwhelms me while I, clueless to the world, blissfully paint away.  Well, we'll see how that works out.

Here is one shot of my supply table.  The cat is not always included, but it's typical of some of my workspace. I even have another table in front of that one to hold my palette and another to my left to keep my references, an extra palette, tubes of paint, notes, and more.
 I'll post more before and after pics.  I can't bring myself to put them up all at once.

The hardest part of this is taking the time to actually organize.  I feel guilty!  A catch-22:  needs to be done, don't have the time to do.  ughhh.

1 comment:

  1. I promise, promise, promise you'll more than make up the time you're spending now once you're organized! I'm excited watching your progress! Congratulations!
