In 2010, I will hand over my day to day business to Susan B., my office manager.
I have come to realize I can NOT do it all. I can do it all well, just not at the same time. And as Susan said the first day we met, if I keep spending my time doing business, I won't have a business to run. She nailed it.
Thankfully I saw where I was headed and unfortunately I waited as long as I did to remedy the situation. But, in waiting, I met the right match for me in Susan. I can see us getting the day to day issues back under control so that I am freed up to paint more. THAT excites me and I can't wait to be in the studio on a regular basis.
In 2010 I will spend more time painting.
I have commissions to work on and personal goals to achieve and projects I'm dying to undertake and new techniques to explore.
My body fought me for a good part of the last decade. It seems to think that as I age it's supposed to give up. My brain disagrees, regardless of what the mirror and scales try to tell me every day. So I'll continue with yoga to keep my spine healthy and I'll continue at the gym to keep my muscles strong and my goal this year is to remove some of the fat grams from my belly. oh, I didn't say I was giving up chocolate, did I? NO I did NOT.
In 2010 I will take care of my inner peace.
I have worked diligently to let go of yesterdays. Not forget, because that is foolish. But let go of those things that like to wallow in the brain. Live in the moment and make more of the moment I'm in. I will nourish that which is positive and eliminate that which is negative in my life from my life, whether it be a person or a thing. That person or thing may not be bad, just bad for me. I will practice "moving on."
I am looking forward to what may come in 2010.
I am looking forward to what may come in 2010.
From this in 2009
To this in 2010
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