Monday, December 31, 2012

Hello 2013

It has been a very good year, overall.  I just spent the past hour writing a recap of my year, but decided against posting that. Too long.  So here is my final word for 2012.

This past year I was delighted and saddened by a number of things.  My husband returned home after living in another state for 18 months. I moved into a new studio closer to home. Our Sassy Cat died in October, just a year after the loss of our Gracie. But we adopted Mr. Gregory in February and our house is full of puppy happiness.  A balance achieved. And that is pretty much how the entire year went.  Finally - balance. 

In 2012 I was delighted to catch up with a number of old friends.  By phone, Facebook messaging and in person.  Friends are amazing.  They are yours by choice. They keep you grounded and hold your history.  

2012 was a year I solidified my decision to avoid negative energy.  In people and situations. It's been uplifting for me and I think a relief to those I've left behind.  If their energy was bad for me, I suspect mine was equally bad for them.  We aren't all meant to be in sync. 

In December, I decided that I would spend the next 12 months finding the positive in all that happens.  I also plan to do a good deed, quietly, each month.  A pay it forward plan, as it were.  It's so easy to do.  Something as simple as paying for someone's gas, or groceries (depending on your own wallet) or giving them a hand with a project, baking cookies for an elderly neighbor or rolling in their trash can.  Kindness is easy. I watch my studio-roomie Mikee doing various acts of kindness out of habit, on a regular basis.  So regular, he doesn't even know how extraordinary he is.  

I wish to all a Happy 2013.  May we all be blessed with kindness and acceptance. 

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