We'll start with Eugene. He's doing amazingly well after having a laryngeal tie-back procedure. It was that, or watch him suffocate to death, which he nearly did during a vacation week back in August. We still have some issues to deal with, but he's looking better than he has in the last two years. He's doing so well with oxygen in his system, he began shedding and growing new hair like crazy! My floors are entirely covered in hairballs these days. Yay.
While on the subject of furkids, the other three are just fine. Gregory will soon be one and is the tallest dog I've ever had. He can sprint off of the deck to the back of our lot in about 3 seconds. Astounding sight to see him run and dance around the trees for squirrels. Gabby is oddly now the calmest creature in our household. What a difference a year makes! Sassy cat is still fighting inflammatory bowel disease, but we've found her stabilization point. We don't know how she'll continue to do, but she hangs in there.
This is a collage, print and paint self portrait. I joined an Air Mail Journaling group, with Kimberly Kelly Santini, this summer. I thought it would be a great way for me to segue back into creating, since it was out-of-the-box for me, fairly inexpensive overall and I thought I'd have time. (plus I really love Kimberly's work and her enthusiasm about everything art.) OK, 2 out of 3 correct, but the time thing just didn't work out. So I'm about 3 months behind (and thankfully am finding out I'm not alone!) but I AM determined to complete the assignments. Best of all I WANT to complete them, because when I get going, it's a lot of fun. (and yessss, I did make myself look prettier and younger because, I can. It's my mermaid look)