Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Catching Up

Last night I was reading an article in the newspaper that triggered a memory of a friend and former co-worker I've known a long time, but not been in touch with for years.  On a whim, I called her.  It was delightful!  We caught up a bit on each other's lives, but mostly it was the joy of being in touch that left me with smiles.  

She asked what on earth had prompted me to call.  I told her it would make her laugh, and it did.  The article was about a nun who had been a feature film starlet, who had shared Elvis's first on-screen kiss.  I know!  It makes no sense, except to the two of us.  This lovely person, one of the kindest I've ever known, lives a life of deep faith and shares that faith not through preaching or proselytizing, but by example.  Years ago, I had made the mistake of recommending a particular movie that I thought she'd enjoy, but instead she hated, and at the time it made me think she'd have made a wonderful nun.  So upon reading the article my brain synapses started leaping from one connection to another and there she landed in my thoughts. 

My immediate thought was "I need to call." and then I talked myself out of it.  Seconds later, I reminded myself that 1. life is too short  2. I'd already lost more than one dear friend in the last few years 3. I'd love to hear from her if she were to call me and 4. why not?  

The bonus was that while we shared our current lives, another name came up and after we hung up, I called THAT former friend.  Another lovely conversation.  

At the end of both phone calls, each woman said to me, " I am so glad you called.  Thank you.  You made my night."  

Those words made mine.  

1 comment:

  1. Good friends are the best thing in life, I'm convinced. I would cherish phone calls such as those you made from long-lost friends. I think about my old friends often - that's one reason I love FB!

    I count you among my dear friends, Adele. If ever we get out of touch, I hope you'll pick up the phone one night and make my night!
