Monday, January 11, 2010

Managing my Records

So, what I've been doing this afternoon between my morning and evening class is trying to figure out which artist record-keeping program I want to invest in.  I could spend anywhere from $30 - $700 +.  Which is astounding to me.

I just want a way to keep track of my inventory of art and my clients, and sometimes merge the two.  I need mailing list options and print edition records, plus a way to track where everything is.  It wasn't hard to narrow down my options.  I'm NOT paying $700 for a program really intended for gallery use.  And most programs do not work on a MAC.  So now Susan B. and I are each working the free-trial-options on the two most likely programs to do the trick.

This is exactly the kind of thing that eats into my studio time and annoys me beyond my tolerance level.
Yet, it must be done.  !

Was I whining?  hmphhh.  maybe so.  I'll go do some sketches.

1 comment:

  1. If you don't mind sharing, I'd love to know what you decide on. It sounds like good stuff to have. I use databases I've created in Excel, but they don't have any flexibility particularly.

    Thanks for bringing Susan the other night, by the way. It was nice to meet her!
